Friday, November 20, 2009


I'm definitely not posting much this month, since it's NaNo Time!

NaNoWriMo stands for National November Writing Month. Writers from around the globe peck furiously away at their keyboards until they've written a 50,ooo word novel. I've participated the past three years and 'won' the past two. It's sort of like a competition against yourself, to see if you can do it, but when you hit 50k, the NaNo site turnes your stat bar from blue to green and you get a winner .gif to put on your website and brag about.

Anyway, that's were I am during November. Clacking away in front of the ole word processor. I've had problems lately due to a personal loss, so I'm trying to get back into finishing this project to help keep my mind off of things. Might help, might not. We'll see.